A little about me
Artist, writer, therapist, wife, daughter, sister, athlete, speaker, student… these are all labels I have held as my identity for quite some time. As we grow, we learn to adjust how we label ourselves, and I am in my era of helping others to heal.
My name is Katie and my story isn’t much different than others in this line of work… I have been through a lot, and I needed a refresh. So I went searching, learning, absorbing… and i’ve made it out to the other side and want to help you do the same.
I grew up in Apex, North Carolina in a very tight family where I genuinely would call my siblings my friends. Growing up I was always told how fortunate I was that my parents were together, that my family was so close, that we actually said I love you every time we said goodbye… and I agreed, I was lucky.
In July of 2020 my little brother passed and I was in the lowest point of my addiction to alcohol. Him dying catapulted me to where I am today. Through guidance from the Holy Spirit I was led to Reiki. Now, this southern Christian girl had a hard time accepting this was my next step. Because well… isn’t that… demonic? This was something I struggled with for many months during the initial phases of my training. But God said, trust me, and I did.
Reiki is a form of energy therapy that channels universal life force energy and directs it to the clients energy field to clear and move stagnant energy. It has no competition with religion as it is not a belief system, but rather an “undiscovered science”, if you will. We know that we have an energy field, so why not maintain it the same way we do the enamel on our teeth?
Universal Life force Energy is usually where I lose people. To me, that is love. Universal life force energy is the energy of the full embodiment of Love.
I do keep Christ Jesus close to my heart and start each session with a prayer, to ask for him to do the work that is needed and for my hands to be the vessel. I believe that we were given this power through the Holy Spirit and are able to be a tool for healing if our heart is in the right place.
Reiki is not a replacement for western medicine and should be used as a complimentary therapy. I describe sessions as this: a way to bring your body out of fight or flight, to drop you into deep relaxation so that your mind and body can think and process from a place of peace not fear. It is the ultimate meditation guide, dropping you into a place where your mind can travel and you can be free to explore parts of you that you may never give time to.
There is so much more to say about Reiki and the changes I have seen it bring to my life. In the energy therapy world, they commonly say Reiki finds you when you need it most, is it trying to find you?
Please reach out and we can chat more about it, I am always open to discovery calls and would love to answer any questions you have.
With love unconditionally,
Katie Dwyer
Contact me
Interested in a Reiki session? Have more questions? Just want to chat? Fill out the form below and I will be in touch shortly!